Further to the audit, we carried out Market Research with various groups within RCPI. We worked with staff and members to fellows of the institute and trainees, to establish what the RCPI was for them individually, how has it evolved and what is next. We also carried out research with international members of RCPI as their affiliation and communication with the college is an important growth strategy. The research had common threads throughout all groups and we understood that the RCPI was and is a well renowned established body steeped in heritage and history although at the cutting edge of developing new policies and leading the way through innovation.

Based on the research we evolved the brand of RCPI alongside each of the faculty brands . Each respective brand had to be carefully considered, as well as developing and implementing corporate guidelines for use throughout RCPI. We worked on various marketing literature and materials including, international brochures, Trainee induction packs, Courses and Events brochure, St Luke’s Week, stationery, exhibition stands, email marketing, and video.