Martin Phillips Carpets is the largest independent flooring retailer in Northern Ireland, with a reputation built on quality flooring, great service and value for money. They needed a social media strategy that would promote products, create brand awareness, boost footfall in-store and drive sales both online and offline. An ambitious and multilayered approach was needed.
When creating a digital presence, it is important to ensure that the brand messaging and visual imagery are consistent in order to achieve a successful campaign. With our illustrated logo image of Martin being used in their social media advertising, as well as other traditional advertising of outdoor and radio, it makes the Martin Phillips brand instantly recognizable.
This not only creates brand consistency, but it also creates a connection with the end user, as if they are able to instantly recognise a brand it means that they are more likely to trust the brand, become brand loyal and therefore make a purchase. Consistency creates important guideposts on the customer experience journey.
While managing the Martin Phillips Facebook page, we ensure that all campaigns are fully optimised to drive sales via link clicks through their e-commerce site. When lockdown began back in March 2020, we realised that we were going to spend a lot more time in our home and so many of us decided that we would get our house refurbished.
Due to this thought process, we immediately sculpted and implemented a social strategy that would increase social media posts and target an audience who would ideally be an engaged shopper who was ready to make a purchase.
From Q1 to Q2 in 2020, their social media statistics soared.
79% increase
in link clicks
75% increase
in reach
90% increase
in impressions
149% increase
in engagements
Due to the e-commerce capabilities of the website, when non-essential stores were closed, Martin Phillips were able to continue sales by driving e-commerce activity through targeted social media campaigns and were able to remain social with their customers by sharing important messages regarding booking appointments, click & collect, home delivery and reopening dates on Facebook.
It is so important to ensure that the ‘be social’ process is always followed when managing a social media platform. Be social through liking, commenting and sharing posts and by being responsive and there for your customers. Being social with your customers online, creates an emotional connection that will create brand trust and a good reputation for your brand. So, when in doubt, always be social.
While Martin Phillips cover it, Walker Communications deliver it! So, if you need a social media strategy cut to fit for your business, we are ready to assist in creating a successful and unique campaign for your business. Get in touch with our creative team today to find out more: enquiries@walkercommunications.co.uk