Face to Face Meetings
Here’s my take on why face-to-face meetings are definitely not a thing of the past - Eamonn Connolly
Why face-to-face
meetings ace technology ”
meetings ace technology ”
I don’t know about you, but I don’t have enough fingers and thumbs (and toes) to count the number of times I’ve partaken in virtual meetings when meeting technology has failed, frustrations rise, meetings are re-arranged, and generally the air is taken out of the ‘virtual room’ and the stimulus for business drops and progress slows.
Undoubtedly, holding a Zoom or Teams meeting has its place, but in my opinion, you can’t beat meeting face-to-face with your clients and colleagues to conduct business.
Here’s my take on why face-to-face meetings are definitely not a thing of the past.
The emergence of digital technologies, particularly since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, has changed the way we communicate daily, affecting not just our personal relationships but also how we communicate when we’re doing business. With the array of digital tools, such as emails and virtual conferencing, one would think that face-to- r required? Is that right? On the contrary, it can be argued, in-person meetings have become more important than ever.
You are twice as likely to convert prospects into customers with an in-person meeting.
The likelihood of getting a “yes” increases, because it is so much easier to say “no” in an email or on a phone call.
- Michael Massari.
Senior Vice President of National Meetings and
Events at Caesars Entertainment