Covid-19 Micro-Business E-Commerce Grant For Retail Businesses
Invest Northern Ireland are currently running a fantastic scheme to help your retail business grow and develop your business through enhancing your digital marketing, e-commerce capabilities and increasing online sales. This grant could be of great significance, by getting your business digital ready and generating and increasing sales activity online.

Covid-19 Micro-Business E-Commerce Grant For Retail Businesses
Invest Northern Ireland are currently running a fantastic scheme to help your retail business grow and develop your business through enhancing your digital marketing, e-commerce capabilities and increasing online sales. This grant could be of great significance, by getting your business digital ready and generating and increasing sales activity online.
Covid-19 Micro-Business E-Commerce Grant For Retail Businesses:
The micro-business e-commerce grant is aimed at helping retail businesses to grow online, develop their customer base and find new markets by strengthening their digital offering and e-commerce capabilities.
What size of a grant can I get?
If successful, businesses can access up to a maximum grant of £5,000 to support 80% of eligible costs (projects must have a minimum of £1,250 eligible expenditure).
What are the eligible activities for the grant?
Eligible activities include the services of a supplier(s) providing expertise to:
- Review current digital marketing capabilities and online sales channels
- Develop a digital marketing/e-commerce strategy to drive sustainable growth in online sales
- Implement an enhanced online e-commerce system or improvements to your existing e-commerce solution for the business
- In-house training and knowledge transfer to develop the digital marketing and e-commerce capability of the employees for the business
- Improve integration and automation with existing e-commerce systems
If you are a micro-sized retailer who is looking to grow your business online, then this grant is something that you should read into.
Applications close with Invest NI at 6pm on Friday 12th March 2021 or once the available budget is fully allocated. You must meet all eligibility criteria by Invest NI.
Do you want to generate more sales through digital activity and ecommerce online?
If yes, then get in touch with us and we can help guide you through the process of applying for the grant and also assisting you with any digital marketing or ecommerce needs that you desire for your business. We can create a tailor-made proposal to coincide with your business values, offerings and objectives.