Martin Phillips Website Tile Design
Martin Phillips Website Tile Design
Martin Phillips Website Tile Design

Over the past 13 years we have successfully implemented numerous tactical campaigns across a range of platforms including TV, radio, outdoor, digital and local press.

Martin Phillips Responsive Website Design & Development
Martin Phillips Responsive Website Design & Development
Martin Phillips Responsive Website Design & Development
Martin Phillips Responsive Website Design & Development
Martin Phillips Responsive Website Design & Development
Martin Phillips Social Media - Facebook Page
Martin Phillips Social Media - St Patricks Day Post
Martin Phillips Social Media - Facebook Post
Martin Phillips Social Media - Facebook Post
Martin Phillips Social Media - Facebook Cover Photo
Martin Phillips Social Media - Facebook Cover Photo
Martin Phillips Social Media Character Design
Martin Phillips Social Media - Facebook Cover Photo Design

As a result of branding and tactical campaigns, stores outside Belfast improved dramatically with increase in both sales and margin resulting in two stores moving to bigger premises. Brands like Martin Phillips demand concrete results from their marketing activity and as their marketing agency for the past 10 years, this is testament to the successful activity and brand direction we have provided for them.

Martin Phillips Social Media Element Design
Martin Phillips Social Media Element Design
Martin Phillips Social Media Element Design

We have managed the social media element of Martin Phillips Carpets for over 2 years now. The page likes on their Facebook profile have increased by over 500% during this time and continue to grow. Reach on an average month is around 140,000 people. The stores very often find that people are showing products promoted on Facebook in store from their phones, and these are then converted into sales.